
Privacy policy

On the 13th of January 2024 this page has been updated.

This is a personal website and does not represent a business.

Your personal data will be processed and protected in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). On this page you can read which data I collect when you visit this website, why I collect these data and how I improve your experience using this website based on these data. So you will understand how I work.

This privacy statement applies to the services of Numatra. Everyone who uses the website and whose personal data are processed when using services of Numatra or collaborating with Numatra. By using this website you acknowledge to accept this privacy statement. In case there are links to third party websites or sources on this website, you must realize that Numatra is not responsible for the privacy statement of other websites and other sources.


The personal data that is processed by Numatra is the personal data that:

You have provided to us (such as contact details);
Gives insight in the use of this website (such as IP address and behaviour on the Numatra website) and
Is obtained from other sources.

When receiving newsletters or other marketing communications from Numatra, the personal data used for the receiving of these marketing communications is also processed by Numatra.


Numatra only processes your personal data for the specific purposes that these data have been provided for by you to us, unless I have received your permission to do otherwise. Data are collected for the following purposes:

- Newsletters, e-mails, competitions and events and invites.

- Order one of our services/products ; These data will be used to execute your order. These data will be stored on a security server owned by Numatra or by a third party. I will not combine your personal data with other data.

- To provide services to you

- To improve and secure this website

- To analyse the data from website users


Consent: Numatra can request your consent for the storage of your personal data. The obtained consent can be withdrawn when requested by you. Consent is obtained, for instance, for use of cookies on this website, direct marketing purposes.
Legitimate interest: Numatra can process personal data if I have a legitimate interest that justifies the storage of personal data. I can, for example, reach out to you when I use your email address.


Your personal data will be stored on a secured server owned by Numatra or by a trusted and approved third party with whom Numatra has concluded data processing agreements. I will not combine your personal data with other data and I will only pass on your data to other parties if this is really necessary for our services.

This may include parties such as IT service providers.
In suspicious situations and when requested by law, I are obliged to share customer data with government agencies.

The parties who are allowed access to your data may only use these data to provide you with a service on behalf of Numatra. I never sell your data to third parties. I store your data in our secured databases located in the EU.


I always apply strict security measures on the data processed, such as:

Security management for Numatra devices: Only devices managed by Numatra have access to the personal data, using two-factor authentication and a VPN connection for devices used outside of the Numatra premises.
Security based on position: Data accessibility is determined based on the role and position of Numatra employees;
Period testing and training of employees: our systems are temporarily tested and our employees need to complete data security awareness training;
Physical access security: Numatra premises all have physical access control systems;
Confidentiality agreements: Employees and third parties that have access to your personal data are subject to confidentiality agreements.

In the case that personal data are transferred to countries outside the European Union, I ensure that your privacy is protected by concluding additional agreements with the third parties sending the personal data outside of the European Union. I make sure that American parties are registered under the Privacy Shield.


I do not store and use your data longer than necessary. I will delete all data I have from you as soon as the purpose has expired. Or I use your data anonymously, because I need certain data for internal analyses and reports. For the term of storage I keep the following deadlines, after which I delete your data:

- I are entitled to delete inactive client accounts (after 2 years). After that period, I only use your data anonymously, for internal reports;
- Access logs are deleted after 1 year at maximum

After the term used for the data storage, the personal data shall be removed.

Cookie Policy

Effective Date: 14-Feb-2024
Last Updated: 14-Feb-2024

What are cookies? How do we use cookies? Types of Cookies we use
Manage cookie preferences
Cookie Settings

You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.




Internet Explorer:

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.


This website contains scripts and buttons from social media companies and links to third party websites. Numatra is not responsible for the data processing activities of these websites and/or platforms.

Embedded music and videos are examples of these third-party websites.


Based on several privacy regulations, you have the right to:

- Check and inspect the personal data processed by Numatra;
- Change your personal data or supplement your personal data when you believe your personal data is incorrect;
- To have your personal data deleted;

For more information about the rights you have regarding the processing of your personal data, you can check the website of EU Data Protection Authority.


This privacy statement is tuned to the current status of this website and has been updated on the date reported t the top of this page. Adjustments or changes on this website can lead to changes in the privacy statement and the privacy statement shall be updated accordingly. Therefore, I advise you to read our privacy statement on a regular basis.


I check on a regular basis if the information in this privacy statement reflects our current data processing activities. If you have questions about our privacy policy do contact me:


E-mail: [email protected]
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